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Adam's Leaf
The Modern Urinal Screen
Adam’s Leaf® is designed to easily fit into any men's urinal and eliminate backsplash. The Adam’s Leaf® screen's special design prevents that problem entirely.
Adam’s Leaf® is made in the USA and contains recycled materials and a special additive, EcoPure®, which makes it environmentally friendly. Products made with this compound have been certified as ASTMD 5511(biodegradable) by independent testing labs confirming our commitment to our environment.
Adam’s Leaf® will not decompose during use, and a single screen will remain effective months or more if desired.
No added chemical scents or perfumes are needed in the making of Adam’s Leaf® since the design of the screen does not cause pooling of leftover urine in the bowl, as do standard urinal screens.
The absence of these overpowering scents makes Adam’s Leaf® more friendly to the environment.
We believe you will appreciate the effectiveness and unique design of Adam’s Leaf® and so will your guests and clients.